
Scunthorpe Foodbank

Scunthorpe Foodbank is hosted within St George's Church every Wednesday from 1pm to 2.30pm.

The Foodbank is operated in partnership with friends and colleagues from Scunthorpe Connect Church and Crosby Together and it works on a voucher referral system.  To receive Foodbank assistance you will need to present a voucher from one of the referring agencies - see for more information.

90% of items distributed by Scunthorpe Foodbank come from public donations and we urgently need more food stuffs for the parcels.  Can you donate any of these items?

Urgently needed

UHT Milk

Potatoes: Instant Mash or Tinned

Tinned Fruit

Small/medium jars of coffee

Tinned or packet custard

Bottles Fruit Squash/juice

Tinned hot and cold meat

Rice Pudding

Tinned tomatoes

Breakfast Cereal


Pasta Sauce

Dried Pasta and Rice


We've got plenty of Baked Beans and Soup at present - thank you!